Not so long ago, doctors began to say that running is harmful, and they referred to the United States. Allegedly, in the 1970s and 1980s, everyone began to actively run there, and this ended in heart attacks and strokes. This story is partly true. Overloading the heart with sprinting is dangerous if it is already unhealthy. But the rest of the prejudices are nothing more than excuses.
Start with a warm-up. Before jogging, you need to warm up your leg muscles. A good warm-up makes the workout easier and reduces the risk of injury. Increase those loads gradually. If you’ve never done sports actively before, you can start by just walking fast.

What is important to consider?

If you experience discomfort while jogging, it means that the load on the body is too great. Therefore, it gives out a pain reaction in order to stop the “owner”.
Keep an eye on your heart rate so you don’t collapse right there on the treadmill. On average, the pulse while running should be between 110 and 140 beats per minute. For this, there are special devices – heart rate monitors. An easier way: if during a workout you can talk calmly, then everything is in order, the load is acceptable. It is better to do sports in special shoes. Running on a hard surface, on asphalt in ordinary sneakers injures the foot and kills the spine. There are special running shoes with cushioning and a wide sole.

How and when to replenish strength?

If you decide to do sports in the morning, you must first have breakfast – it is undesirable to train on an empty stomach, doctors advise. After 30 minutes, maximum an hour, after waking up, you need to eat something from complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits, legumes, greens, cereals) and a protein product (eggs, milk, cottage cheese, lean meat). An hour after eating, you can go for a run. If you plan to do it 3-4 hours after breakfast, then half an hour before such physical activity you need to eat a simple (fast) carbohydrate – an energy bar, a chocolate bar, a sweet, and drink sweet tea. Thus, the body will draw energy for physical activity from food, and not from its internal reserves, in particular due to muscle breakdown.

What are the benefits of morning jogging?

Running trains the heart muscle. The heart is forced to beat faster, pump more blood, which means that over time, getting used to the load, it becomes stronger and stronger. It is no coincidence that running is considered a cardio workout that trains the cardiovascular system. Brain function improves as the brain receives more nourishment from the blood.
Jogging in the morning sets you up for a working day. During exercise, the body releases endorphins, or hormones of joy. So it will be easier to survive minor troubles at work.

If you decide to make it regularly, the muscles will be kept in good shape. The body will look toned and younger, and the skin condition will improve. Thanks to the stimulation of blood circulation, more nutrients enter the epidermis. Therefore, the skin, hair become more elastic, retain moisture longer. Namely, the lack of moisture leads to external aging.

How many calories can you burn while running?

An hour-long run or walk can burn up to 1,000 calories. Here’s what research has shown:

  • Fast walking – 441 kcal
  • Climbing stairs – 514 kcal
  • Nordic walking – 588 kcal
  • Jogging 8 km / h – 588 kcal
  • Jogging at a speed of 10 km / h – 735 kcal
  • Running at a speed of 13 km / h – 992 kcal

In fact, everyone determines the pros and cons of jogging in the morning for himself, since most of them are very subjective.